“How well are Ontario’s regulatory health colleges protecting the public interest?” This is the question the Ministry of Health is asking health regulatory colleges to answer through the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF), which was launched in 2020.
Health regulatory colleges exist to protect the public interest. To help the public understand how well colleges are doing their job and to help improve accountability, transparency and oversight, colleges are required to report on their work in the annual CPMF Reporting Tool. The tool was developed by the Ministry, together with Ontario’s health regulatory colleges, subject matter experts, and the public.
The College of Optometrists recently submitted its 2020 CPMF report, detailing outcomes in seven domains that were identified as the most critical to a college effectively fulfilling its statutory functions.

The College must report on 38 measures within the seven domain areas, indicating whether the College met, partially met, or did not meet specific outcomes.
Currently, the College is meeting 53% of the CPMF measures, and partially meeting 37% of the measures.
For those 14 requirements that are partially met, the College either meets these requirements in alternative ways or is in the process of fulfilling them. In either case, the College explains its response and provides a clear improvement strategy for each of the 14 requirements.
For the four requirements that are not met, the College communicates the reasons why they are not being met and shares improvement plans.
Read the College’s full CPMF Report here.