Expectations for Council and Committee Members
Much of the work of the College is conducted by committees that are accountable to the Council. Council and committee members are expected to:
Understand and fulfill their role
To effectively fulfill their role, Council members must prioritize decisions that serve the public interest. They need to understand the roles of the Council, committees, and staff, and maintain respectful working
relationships with these groups and other stakeholders. It is also crucial to respect confidentiality as outlined in Section 36 of the RHPA and to identify and address conflicts of interest.
Possess the necessary knowledge
Council and Committee members must stay informed about policies and legislation affecting College procedures, as well as the College’s strategic direction. They should review all meeting materials in advance and identify any additional information that could enhance discussions and decision-making. It is also important for them to raise concerns during meetings and communicate decisions and their rationale to individuals and groups as requested by the College.
Effectively participate in decision-making
Council and Committee members should adjust their personal schedules to attend meetings and actively contribute to discussions and decision-making. They must identify and attempt to resolve concerns with the committee chairperson, and if necessary, escalate unresolved issues to the Council President. Members should offer relevant expertise to support decision-making and suggest agenda items promptly. It is also important for both Council and Committee members to respect the knowledge and expertise of their colleagues and staff to maintain healthy working relationships.
Learn more about Council elections, which are held in the fall. Eligibility criteria are outlined in section 6.04 of the College by-laws.
The College Council
Council serves as the board of directors of the College. It is responsible for making decisions and policies that are in the public interest and consistent with legislation. Council helps ensure optometrists continue to provide safe, ethical and high-quality care to patients.
Council meetings are open to the public. You can find information about upcoming Council meetings on the Upcoming Events & Important Dates page.
The Optometry Act sets out the composition of the College Council. Council can consist of 16 to 18 members. Eight or nine Council members are optometrists (professional members). They are elected by their peers through regional elections. Seven or eight Council members bring the perspective of the public to Council decisions. These public members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (provincial cabinet). One Council member is appointed from the faculty at the University of Waterloo School of Optometry.
Every Council member is appointed to at least one statutory committee.
Council Members
Eastern Electoral District
Dr. Kamy Morcos
GTA Electoral District
Dr. Camy Grewal
Dr. Abraham Yuen, Vice President
Northern Electoral District
Dr. William Ulakovic
Western Electoral District
Dr. Wesdon McCann
Provincial Electoral District
Dr. Mark Eltis, President
Dr. Pooya Hemami
Dr. Thomas Noël
Dr. Patrick Quaid
Faculty of University of Waterloo School of Optometry and Vision Science Electoral District
Dr. Lisa Christian
Members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council
Ms. Suzanne Allen
Ms. Esther Jooda
Mr. Howard Kennedy
Mr. Narendra Shah
Mr. Olutoye Soile
Ms. Christine terSteege
Mr. Andre Tilban-Rios
College Committees
Committees report to Council and are responsible for ensuring College policies are implemented and enforced. They make decisions that reflect the College’s mandate to protect the public interest.
Committees are comprised of both public members and registrants. Public members are appointed by the provincial cabinet. Registrants are optometrists who may also be Council members. All committee members have full voting rights.
The Regulated Health Professions Act requires colleges to establish seven statutory committees. The College establishes other committees and working groups as needed to help meet its mission and objectives.
Statutory Committees
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee deals with matters requiring immediate action between Council meetings. It also coordinates liaison with external stakeholders such as government.
Dr. Mark Eltis, President
Dr. Abraham Yuen, Vice-President
Dr. Lisa Christian, Chair, Governance/HR Committee
Mr. Narendra Shah, Chair, Audit/Finance/Risk Committee
Mr. Howard Kennedy, Member-at-Large
Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee decides on allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence made against an optometrist. Panels of the Discipline Committee oversee the discipline process. If there is a finding of guilt, they have the authority to revoke, suspend, reprimand, fine, or impose terms on an optometrist’s practice.
Dr. William Ulakovic, Chair
Ms. Suzanne Allen
Dr. Lisa Christian
Dr. Mark Eltis
Dr. Camy Grewal
Dr. Jup Grewal
Ms. Christine terSteege
Dr. Natalija Illic
Ms. Esther Jooda
Mr. Howard Kennedy
Dr. Claudia Lee
Dr. Wes McCann
Dr. Kamy Morcos
Dr. Thomas Noël
Dr. Patrick Quaid
Mr. Narendra Shah
Mr. Olutoye Soile
Mr. Andre Tilban-Rios
Dr. Michael Wong
Dr. Abraham Yuen
Fitness to Practise Committee
The Fitness to Practise Committee holds hearings to decide if an optometrist is suffering from a mental or physical condition that could interfere with their ability to practise. It decides on what action is needed to protect the public.
Mr. Olutoye Soile, Chair
Dr. Manveen Bedi
Ms. Christine terSteege
Dr. Wes McCann
Dr. Harminder Singh
Mr. Narendra Shah
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC)
This committee oversees the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports process. It makes decisions if there is a complaint or report about an optometrist’s conduct and/or care. The committee also makes final decisions regarding Registrar Investigations and inquiries into an optometrist’s capacity (situations when an optometrist may suffer from a mental or physical condition or disorder that affects their ability to practice safely or effectively).
Dr. Pooya Hemami, Chair
Dr. Jenna Astorino, Panel Chair
Ms. Suzanne Allen
Dr. Vivian Habib
Dr. Ema Hazra
Ms. Christine terSteege
Dr. Angela Kyveris
Mr. Olutoye Soile
Dr. Michelle Tai
Mr. Andre Tilban-Rios
Dr. Mike Yang
Dr. Natalie Zargordo
Quality Assurance Committee
The Quality Assurance Committee oversees processes for ensuring the quality of optometrists’ professional practice. It has two panels. The Quality Assurance Panel ensures that optometrists comply with the College’s Quality Assurance program. The Special Projects Panel has several roles. It clarifies existing standards of practice and regulatory requirements. It develops new standards of practice. It also oversees revisions to the Quality Assurance program and the Optometric Practice Reference Modernization Project.
Quality Assurance Panel Members
Dr. Kamy Morcos, Chair
Ms. Suzanne Allen
Dr. Jayne Cation
Dr. Lisa Christian
Dr. Nadine Furtado
Dr. Darren Gigliozzi
Ms. Esther Jooda
Dr. Vanesh Kathiravelu
Dr. Leah Markin
Dr. Thomas Noël
Dr. Paula Romero
Dr. Nicole Theiss
Quality Assurance Special Projects Panel Members
Dr. Leah Markin, Chair
Ms. Suzanne Allen
Dr. Linda Chan
Ms. Christine terSteege
Dr. Sarah Maciver
Dr. Kamy Morcos
Dr. Mohammed Moussa
Dr. Thomas Noël
Registration Committee
The Registration Committee is responsible for ensuring a fair, transparent, and objective entry-to-practice process. It reviews applications referred to it by the Registrar to ensure applicants meet the minimum criteria before being registered to practise in the province.
Dr. Camy Grewal, Chair
Ms. Esther Jooda
Dr. Pooya Hemami
Mr. Howard Kennedy
Dr. Patrick Quaid
Dr. Karin Simon
Patient Relations Committee
The Patient Relations Committee promotes awareness of and seeks to prevent sexual abuse of patients by optometrists. It administers a fund to pay for therapy and counselling if a patient has been sexually abused. The committee also reviews other ethical issues that can occur in professional practice. It develops education and information programs for the public and optometrists.
Mr. Howard Kennedy, Chair
Dr. Wendy Hatch
Ms. Christine terSteege
Dr. Sharon Markowitz
Dr. Wes McCann
Dr. Negar Sobahti
Mr. Olutoye Soile
Dr. Abraham Yuen
Standing Committees
Audit/Finance/Risk Committee
The Audit/Finance/Risk Committee reviews the College’s financial affairs. It advises Council on investment strategy, auditor review, and financial planning. The committee also oversees the College’s risk management framework.
Mr. Narendra Shah, Chair
Ms. Suzanne Allen
Dr. Pooya Hemami
Mr. Howard Kennedy
Dr. Thomas Noël
Dr. Patrick Quaid
Mr. Andre Tilban-Rios
Governance/HR Committee
This committee develops, implements, and reviews the College’s governance and human resource policies and processes. The committee seeks to secure strong, balanced leadership for the College through recruitment strategies, performance evaluation, and succession planning.
Dr. Lisa Christian, Chair
Dr. Camy Grewal
Ms. Esther Jooda
Mr. Olutoye Soile
Dr. William Ulakovic
Dr. Abraham Yuen
Working Groups
Research Steering Group
The Research Steering Group oversees a granting program that funds innovative research related to the College’s mandate.
Dr. Abraham Yuen, Chair
Dr. Mark Eltis, Vice-Chair
Mr. Andre Tilban-Rios, Council Member
Dr. Kenneth Olsen, Researcher-at-Large
All Council and committee members sign agreements that outline the College’s code of conduct, conflict of interest, confidentiality, and harassment policies. The Council and Committee Agreement is signed on an annual basis.