Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Safe, Quality Eye Care

When you visit an optometrist, you have the right to expect safe, quality eye care. The College protects this right by setting the registration requirements that must be met to practise the profession in Ontario and by creating the programs that will ensure that optometrists keep their skills and knowledge up to date. Here you’ll find information about how to find an optometrist and how to file a complaint, as well as answers to common questions. If you’d like to know more about incorporation, bylaws, and legislation, please visit the Members page.

Ontario’s health regulatory colleges are required by law to provide information about the health-care providers they oversee. It’s your right to know about the registration status, including practice locations, specialities, practice limitations, and disciplinary proceedings of any of our members.

The following video, produced by the Health Profession Regulators of Ontario, explains in more detail: