Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

New eLearning Module: Informed Consent

Every health-care professional, including optometrists, must obtain informed consent from patients to provide treatment, collect personal health information, and more. The College is pleased to launch a new eLearning module Eye…more

Essilor/Clearly Injunction Update

The Colleges have filed an application for leave to appeal the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in College of Optometrists of Ontario v. Essilor Group Inc., 2019 ONCA 265 to the…more

College Welcomes New Registrar

The College of Optometrists of Ontario is pleased to announce that Maureen Boon will be the next Registrar of the College. Ms. Boon will assume this role effective July 2, 2019. Ms. Boon is currently…more

Mandatory Self-Reporting

Regulated health professionals in Ontario must report to their college certain information that is pertinent to the conditions of their registration. Such information includes criminal charges, registration with regulators in…more

100 Years of Optometric Regulation

This year, the College of Optometrists of Ontario is celebrating 100 years of optometric regulation. The profession has seen significant growth over that time, both in numbers (from the first…more