Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Online Payments

Pay Online

We are pleased to introduce a new online payment system for corporations as of September 16, 2024. For all other fees, we encourage that you pay via the member portal. Please contact the appropriate staff to learn more.

Check Fees for the exact amount of fees that you must pay.

Click on this secure self-service payment link, and follow the steps listed below:

  1. Enter your name.
  2. Amount – Enter the total amount, including HST, of the fee that you’re going to pay (e.g., $248.60 for corporation renewal).
  3. Communication Method – Select the communication method through which you’d like to receive the payment link, and enter either your email or phone number.
  4. Reference Id – For corporation renewal, enter your certificate of authorization #. Otherwise, enter the description of your payment (e.g., CorpApp for initial corporation application, RevCorp for revised corporation).
  5. Click “Send Link”.
  6. You will receive either an email or a text message (refer to #3) with a Pay Now button, where you can make your payment.

Please allow 1-3 business days for the College to process your payment. Thank you!