Eye Consent – The Optometrist’s Guide to Informed Consent

Every health-care professional, including optometrists, must obtain informed consent from patients to provide treatment, collect personal health information, and more.
Our newest eLearning module covers:
- what qualifies as consent
- when and how to document consent
- how to protect patient information and privacy.
The module, which is being offered for free to Ontario optometrists, provides practical information and examples to facilitate learning. Optometrists can complete the module once per continuing education (CE) cycle and will receive one Other Learning Opportunities CE credit hour.
Access the eLearning module via the Member Portal.
Professionalism, Ethical Decision Making and the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Patients

Health-care providers need to ensure a safe and healthy environment for patients. This means knowing and respecting boundaries in patient interactions. But what exactly are these boundaries? And how might they apply to you, your patients, family, and friends? This self-paced interactive module will walk you through several scenarios, helping you to understand what it is that constitutes a boundary crossing or violation, what constitutes the sexual abuse of patients, and how unintentional boundary crossings could escalate.
To take the module, sign in to your Member Portal. The module should take about an hour to complete. You can start, pause and return to it at your convenience. This elearning module (including reflective scenarios) is mandatory for all members; members were required to complete it as part of member renewal in 2018, and new members are required to complete it as part of registration.
Best Practices in Optometry: A Guide to Maintaining High Standards During Complex Situations

In recent years, the patient complaints most commonly reported to the College of Optometrists of Ontario fall within five general categories: spectacle prescription or issue, billing issue, unprofessional conduct, breach of standards of practice, and delegation or supervision issue.
By analyzing these common complaints, the College determined that a better awareness of complex situations and how they can be managed could lead to better relationships with patients and perhaps even better patient outcomes in general.
This online module is designed to do just that — to build awareness that will benefit patients and optometrists across Ontario. The module provides ten real-world scenarios that demonstrate how complex situations can arise during optometric care.
The scenarios are based on the most commonly-reported patient complaints received in recent years. Each scenario is followed by an opportunity for reflection and three knowledge checks.
Together, the scenarios, reflections, and knowledge checks are designed to reinforce your understanding of complex situations that may lead to common patient complaints and your awareness of related optometric regulations, obligations, and best practices.
Optometrists will receive 1 Other Learning Opportunities credit for completing this e-module. The course code is COO-WEB-BESTP-01E and can be accessed by logging into the Member Portal.