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College of Optometrists Submits 2022 College Performance Measurement Framework Report


The College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) is a standardized reporting tool that was launched by the Ministry of Health in 2020. Through the CPMF, regulatory colleges are required to measure and report on Ministry-specified standards and indicators in a standardized way. This information is shared with the public to help strengthen accountability and oversight of Ontario’s health regulators.

The 2022 CPMF reporting template (reporting period: Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2022) was refined based on feedback from colleges, the public, and experts resulting in the designation of eight measures as ‘Benchmarked Evidence’. These pieces of evidence were identified as attributes of an excellent regulator that Colleges should meet or work towards meeting. If a college does not meet or partially meets expectations on a benchmark, it is required to provide an improvement plan that includes the steps it will follow, timelines, and any barriers to implementing that benchmark.

On March 31, 2023, the College posted and submitted its 2022 CPMF Report following Council’s approval. You can find the 2022 report along with previous reports here.

Analysis of Results

In the 2022 report, the College reported meeting or partially meeting all 50 measures (this number excludes the System Partner domain). The College met all 8 measures with the ‘Benchmarked Evidence’ designation. See Figure 1 for the distribution of responses in the 2022 CPMF report and Figure 2 for a comparison of the response distributions between the 2021 report and the 2022 report.

For the 3 requirements that fall under “Partially”, the College either meets these requirements in alternative ways or is in the process of fulfilling them. In either case, the College delineates an improvement plan dedicated to fulfilling each of the 3 requirements in the report.

The most visible improvements were made in the domains of Governance, which reflects the sound decision-making and the good governance showcased by Council, and Suitability Practice, which contains measures pertaining to the three regulatory areas of Registration, QA, and Investigations & Resolutions. A key highlight of the improvement in Governance is the two DEI measures, which we did not meet last year but reported meeting and partially meeting them in this year’s report. The College’s DEI Plan can be found here.

The College fully met all the measures in the domains of Resources, Information Management, and Regulatory Policies while meeting all and partially meeting one in other domains.

Figure 1. Count of 2022 CPMF Responses
Figure 2. Comparison of CPMF Response Distributions – 2021 vs. 2022 (#, %)