Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Council Highlights – January 17, 2020

Welcome to Council & Election of Executive Officers

Council welcomed two new members to their first meeting: Dr. Camy Grewal, Dr. William Ulakovic, as well as returning member Dr. Marta Witer.

The Executive Committee was acclaimed as follows:

  • Dr. Patrick Quaid, President
  • Dr. Richard Kniaziew, Vice-President
  • Dr. Camy Grewal
  • Ms. Winona Hutchinson
  • Mr. John Van Bastelaar

As the first internationally trained optometrist to take on the role of President, Dr. Quaid took a moment to recognize the internationally trained optometrist and College member lost in the recent Iran airline crash, Dr. Neda Sadighi. He thanked Council for having confidence in his ability in the role and reflected on his past experiences that drive his desire to serve the public interest.

2020 Budget

Council approved the 2020 College budget, which reflected a reduction to professional corporation fees effective January 2020. Expenses include additions to staffing, as well as revisions to the Quality Assurance Program, which will be carrying out increased assessments. Member fees have not increased since 2013.

Committee Appointments

Committee Chairs and appointments were approved. The Governance/HR Committee took several factors into account, including experience, competency and expertise, while also ensuring succession planning. Committees aim to comprise 1/3 new committee members, 1/3 developing committee members, and 1/3 experienced committee members.

The College received a record number of applications – 46 non-Council volunteer applications – and the Governance/HR Committee recommended 41 for committee appointments. Thank you to everyone who submitted an application.

Lists of 2020 committees can be found on our website.

Entry-to-Practice Exam Consultation Update

In November 2019, the Executive Committee decided to conduct a consultation regarding the development of a new ETP exam. Consultations ran until January 8, 2020. After a careful review of the consultation feedback from stakeholders and optometrists, the Registration Committee decided not to bring a motion forward to Council at the January Council meeting.

In addition to the consultation feedback received, the Registration Committee would like to consider the feedback that will come from the Federation of Optometric Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FORAC) meeting scheduled in February 2020.

Our next Council meeting will be held on April 20, 2020 at the College office. Council meetings are open to the public, and members are welcome to attend. If you wish to attend, please contact Amber Lepage-Monette at least one week before the Council meeting to reserve seating.