Council Highlights – June 21, 2024

Council met on Friday, June 21, 2024, for a regularly scheduled meeting. During this meeting, Council approved several motions that were brought forward by the Audit/Finance/Risk, Registration, Quality Assurance, and Governance/HR committees. Read more below:

Council approved two motions that were brought forward by the Audit/Finance/Risk Committee:

  • The audited financial statements for 2023
  • Re-appointment of BDO Canada as auditors for 2024

Council approved four motions that were brought forward by the Registration Committee:

  • 2024 OEBC written exam and OSCE as one of two standards assessment examinations for registration purposes
  • Providing OEBC with $64,230 in funding for 2024
  • 2024 National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO) exam as a standards assessment examination
  • 2024 Jurisprudence exam for registration purposes

Quality Assurance
Council approved one motion that was brought forward by the Quality Assurance Committee:

  • The proposed amendments to various acts and regulations with respect to scope of practice for Optometry in Ontario and their circulation to College registrants and stakeholders for 60 days

Council approved one motion that was brought forward by the Governance/HR Committee:

  • The newly revised Code of Conduct, Confidentiality, Harassment, and Conflict of Interest policies

The next Council meeting is set for Friday, September 13, 2024. Council meetings are open to the public via YouTube livestream. Please contact the College for more information.