Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Council Highlights – June 23, 2023

Council met in a hybrid environment on Friday, June 23 and passed several motions that were brought forward from various committees. Please see the details below:


Council passed three motions that included approving the 2023 Optometry Examining Board of Canada (OEBC), the 2023 National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO), and the 2023 Jurisprudence Exam for registration purposes.


Council received a presentation from BDO Canada regarding the audited financials for 2022 and passed three motions relating to the Audit/Finance/Risk Committee. Council approved the audited financial statements for year-end December 31, 2022, the reappointment of BDO Canada as the financial auditors for 2023, and also approved a new College investment firm.


Council passed five motions relating to changes in the College’s By-laws. These changes affect by-laws relating to financial processes, nominations to the Executive Committee, the term limits of the President and Vice-President, temporary suspensions of a Council member, and non-payment suspensions. The updated By-laws can be read here.


Council approved the appointment of our new public member, Esther Jooda, to the Discipline, ICRC, and Patient Relations Committees.

The next Council meeting is set for Friday, September 15, 2023. Council meetings are open to the public via livestream.