Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Council Meeting Highlights – April 20, 2020

Welcome to Council

Council welcomed three new members:

  • Public member Ms. Kathryn Biondi
  • Public member Mr. Ravnit Dhaliwal
  • Professional member Dr. Lindy Mackey

In addition, Ms. Biondi was appointed to the Discipline, Governance/HR, and Patient Relations committees; Mr. Dhaliwal to the Discipline and Quality Assurance (QA Panel) committees; and Dr. Mackey to the Discipline Committee.

Public member Howard Kennedy was also acclaimed on the Executive Council.

COVID-19 Update

Registrar Maureen Boon provided Council with an update on COVID-19, including timelines, key decisions, and communications to the profession. Ms. Boon touched on how the College’s key regulatory areas have been affected during COVID-19 as well as adjustments being made to accommodate social distancing, such as the development of a new online Jurisprudence exam that will launch in June.

OPR 4.2

The Optometric Practice Reference (OPR) 4.2 Required Clinical Information was amended to address common omissions in the Short Record Assessment. The revised ORP now advises the measurement of presenting monocular visual acuity at distance; presenting visual acuity at near when clinically indicated and in school-age children; and accommodative function when clinically indicated.

An updated version of the OPR will be posted to the College website shortly.

Financial Matters

Council approved the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. The approved statements will be posted to the College website shortly.

Our next Council meeting will be held on June 25, 2020. We are assessing the ongoing COVID-19 situation to determine if this meeting will be held in person or virtually. Council meetings are open to the public. Contact Amber Lepage-Monette to RSVP.