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Council Meeting Highlights, January 15, 2018

The College Council met on Monday, January 15, 2018. Here are some highlights:

Executive Committee Election

Council has one new and two returning officers on its 2018 Executive Committee:

  • Dr. Pooya Hemami, President
  • Dr. Richard Kniaziew, Vice President
  • Dr. Patrick Quaid, Treasurer

They will be working with the four members, public and professional, who comprise the balance of the committee:

  • Ms. Irene Moore
  • Dr. Areef Nurani
  • Mr. Brian Rivait
  • Mr. John Van Bastelaar

Congratulations to Dr. Hemami and the Executive Committee.

College Governance Review

Council heard a presentation by David Brown of Governance Solutions. In his presentation, Mr. Brown summarized the findings of an external audit he had conducted on College governance. After surveying Council, committee chairs, and senior staff, and interviewing other regulators, Mr. Brown gained insight into the culture of the College, its functioning, policies, and electoral process, and how well it is meeting its mandate. Council learned about areas of strength within the College’s governance structure, as well as opportunities for fine-tuning and possible alternative models.

Gonioscopy Assessment for Patients with Glaucoma

Gonioscopy assessment and investigation of threshold visual fields is now required for optometrists independently managing primary open-angle glaucoma.

This requirement is part of a revision, approved by Council, of OPR 7.2 Standards of Practice – Patients with Glaucoma.

The revised standard recognizes that not all optometrists will choose to monitor glaucoma suspects with compelling risk factors or treat primary open-angle glaucoma independently. When an optometrist chooses to involve another primary, secondary, or tertiary eye-care provider for continuing diagnosis and/or management of glaucoma, these tests may not be required.

Quality Assurance Program Review

Council approved a motion to strike a Quality Assurance subcommittee that would independently review the College’s Quality Assurance (QA) program. The subcommittee’s review will determine whether the QA program aligns with the goals of the College and satisfies our mandate to protect the public interest. It is part of the College’s continuing efforts to help members improve their knowledge and skills, patient outcomes, and practice.

OPR Updates

Three revised documents were approved for publication in the OPR. They are: 4.2 Standards of Practice – Required Clinical Information, 4.3 Standards of Practice – Delegation and Assignment, and 7.2 Standards of Practice – Patients with Glaucoma.

The revised OPR documents will be available soon.

The next Council meeting will be held on Monday, April 9, 2018 at the College office, 65 St. Clair Ave. E., Suite 900, Toronto. Council meetings are open to the public, and members are welcome to attend.