College Council met on Thursday, June 22, 2017. Here are some highlights:
Welcome to Council
Dr. Hemami welcomed Mr. Bashar Kassir to Council. Mr. Kassir is a newly appointed public member.
New eLearning Module Approved
After review and discussion, Council approved the launch of a new eLearning module, “Professionalism, Ethical Decision Making and the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Patients.” This interactive module, developed by the Patient Relations Committee, outlines acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in the patient–practitioner relationship. Completion of the module is mandatory for all members before the end of the 2018 annual report period. The College will send more information and instructions on how members can access the module using their College login.
Protecting Patients Act
Council heard an update from Dr. Paula Garshowitz on Ontario’s new Protecting Patients Act, 2017. The Act, which will enhance patient protection and prevent the sexual abuse of patients by health-care practitioners, was given Royal Assent on May 30. Council learned which of its provisions took effect immediately, and which will take effect upon proclamation. Many of the provisions, such as enhanced transparency, have been in place at the College for some time. Others, like the requirement to automatically fund therapy for victims of sexual abuse at the time they file a complaint, are new. The Act will bestow increased powers to the Minister of Health and Long-Term care, and change how health colleges handle complaints of sexual abuse.
We will be communicating more information in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can read the Ministry’s news release.
College to Appoint All Public Members to Discipline Committee
After reviewing stakeholder feedback, Council approved a by-law amendment to appoint all public Council members to the Discipline Committee. This proposal is a result of an increasing number of referrals to the Discipline Committee and the consequent difficulty in assembling panels.
The College appreciates your comments.
OPR Update: Posterior Segment Examination
One revised document, 6.2 Posterior Segment Examination, was approved for publication in the Optometric Practice Reference (OPR).
The revised OPR document will be available soon.
Our next Council meeting will be held Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at the College office, 65 St. Clair Ave. E., Suite 900, Toronto. Council meetings are open to the public, and members are welcome to attend.