Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Council Meeting Highlights – June 24, 2019

Welcome to Council and the College

Council welcomed its new academic member Dr. Lisa Christian.

The June 24 meeting also served as an opportunity to introduce Council to the incoming Registrar Maureen Boon.

Policy Update

Council approved updates to the Practice Locations – Reporting Requirements policy, which requires that optometrists report any and all practice locations to the College, regardless of the number of days practised at the location. Learn more.

By-law Amendments

In late 2017, the College undertook a review that resulted in changes to its governance structure. Some of these changes require updates to the College by-laws. Optometrists, stakeholders and the public are currently reviewing the proposed amendments and asked to send feedback by September 1, 2019. Learn more.

Cultural Competency

Council has agreed to sign the Federation of Optometric Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FORAC) Declaration of Commitment, which is intended as a first step in advancing cultural safety and humility among optometrists who deliver vision care to First Nations and Indigenous peoples in Canada.

OPR Update

The Clinical Practice Panel is reviewing individual OPR chapters approximately every three years. At the June 24 meeting, Council approved amendments to OPR 7.11 Patients with Dry Eye Disease. An updated version of the OPR will be posted on the College website in the coming weeks. 

2018 Annual Report

Our 2018 Annual Report, including financial statements, is now available. Review some of last year’s key highlights and learn how we’re working to ensure the best eye health and vision for everyone in Ontario. See past annual reports and financial statements on our website.

Our next Council meeting will be held on September 27, 2019 at the College office. Council meetings are open to the public, and members are welcome to attend. If you wish to attend, please contact Ms. Sonya Kadarally at least one week before the Council meeting.