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Council Meeting Highlights – June 25, 2020

Council met virtually on June 25, 2020 and approved several key items that inform College work, including the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, revisions to the Return to Work guidance, the Continuing Education Policy, and by-law amendments.

Strategic Plan 2020-2023

Council approved a new three-year strategic plan that includes a new mission, vision, values and strategic priorities. The new strategic plan focuses on increased transparency, engagement, and anticipating the changing regulatory and professional environment.

Mission: To regulate Ontario’s optometry profession in the public interest.

Vision: A leading regulator focused on safe eye care and progressive practice.

Values: Integrity, Accountability, Transparency, Approachable, Collaborative

Learn more about the College’s new strategic plan, or review a summary here.

Revisions to Return to Work guidance

The College continues to revise the Return to Work guidance, which outlines infection prevention practices during COVID-19.

The most recent revisions include allowing contact lens fittings and an additional reference to provide added clarity on the use of non-contact tonometry. Optometrists should continue to use their professional judgement when considering the measurement of intraocular pressure.

The revised guidance, and updated FAQ specific to managing contact lens fittings, are available on the College website.


The College is seeking feedback on revisions to two key items:

Learn more about the changes being proposed for each of these consultations and submit your feedback by August 28, 2020.

Our next Council meeting will be held on September 25, 2020. The College is still considering arrangements for this meeting (i.e., in person or virtual) and will confirm location details as soon as possible. Council meetings are open to the public. Contact Amber Lepage-Monette to RSVP.