Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Council Meeting Highlights – June 28, 2023

Council held a special Council meeting on June 28, 2023. Council approved the following two motions by special resolution:

  1. A finding of fact that there are areas of concern about the behaviour and communication of Dr. Nurani.
  2. Dr. Nurani will remain suspended until he:
    – Completes a remedial course on communication and conduct that is approved by the Executive Committee, and
    – Reports out on key learnings to Council, and should these issues of communication and conduct continue in the future, the Council member will be subject to disqualification.

The next Council meeting is set for Friday, September 15, 2023. Council meetings are open to the public via livestream. Please contact Jaslin Facey for more information.