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Council Meeting Highlights – Sept. 25, 2020

Updated – October 2020

Council met virtually on September 25, 2020 and approved several key items that inform College work, including revisions to the COVID-19 Return to Work guidance, approving the College auditor, and amendments to the College by-laws.

Revision to Return to Work guidance

Some examples of high-level disinfectants that are cited in the Return to Work guidance may be damaging some optometric equipment. Although the College earlier addressed this in the FAQ, it was felt the guidance should be revised to avoid ongoing confusion.

Council approved a revision that removes specific reference to low- and high-level disinfectants within the guidance document. In addition, a link has been is added to the guidance document referring to Health Canada’s list of disinfectants with evidence for use against COVID-19.

The revised guidance has been updated on the College website.

College Auditor

Council approved BDO Canada LLP as the College’s auditing and advisory firm beginning in the fiscal year 2020.

By-law Amendments

At the end of June, a consultation was circulated regarding proposed amendments to the College by-laws. The proposed amendments were presented to Council in seven motions at the September meeting.

Due to a technical error in the voting process, a special Council meeting was held on Oct. 15 to recast votes on the by-law amendments.

Motions ii-vi pertaining to term limits, reducing the role of the Executive Committee, and an appointment model for non-officer roles on the Executive Committee, were defeated. Council has decided to delay voting on administrative motions (motions i and vii) until the December 2020 Council meeting.

The existing College by-laws, last revised on January 1, 2020, remain in effect.

Interim Registrar, Ira Teich, also provided an update to Council through his Registrar’s Report, available on YouTube.

The next Council meeting will be on December 4, 2020. Council meetings are open to the public. Contact Amber Lepage-Monette to RSVP.