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Council Meeting Highlights – September 17, 2021

Council met virtually on September 17, 2021, where it discussed ongoing stakeholder meetings about the possibility of a singular, Canadian entry-to-practice exam, as well as the ongoing job action in relation to complaints and concerns. Council also approved two key items: the establishment and funding of a new Research Grant Panel, and updates to the Optometric Practice Reference (OPR) 7.12 Patients with Amblyopia.

Research Grant Panel

Council approved the establishment and funding of a new Research Grant Panel, which will provide funding to support research that meets the College public interest mandate.

Funding would be available to both College committees seeking research on a topic related to their work, as well as external applicants who meet established criteria.

The panel will feature four members: the President and Vice-President of Council, an additional Council member, and a researcher-at-large.

Additional details, including application process and evaluation criteria, will be announced soon.

Updates to OPR 7.12 Patients with Amblyopia

Council also approved revisions to OPR 7.12 Patients with Amblyopia, which provide an updated definition of amblyopia, and clarify wording around patients’ ocular and birth history.

The updated OPR will be available on the College website soon.

The next Council meeting will be held on December 10, 2021. Council meetings are open to the public. Contact Amber Lepage-Monette for more information.