Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website


We are excited to announce that part of our website is now available in French.

At the College, our mandate is to serve and protect the public interest. To protect the public interest, we need to ensure our resources are accessible to anyone who requires them. We are proud to now have our website available in two of the most frequently spoken languages in Ontario: English and French.

During this initial phase of translation, we focused solely on the pages that serve members of the public. These include the pages contained within the ABOUT, PUBLIC, and CONTACT US tabs. It is important for members of the public to understand what the College does, who optometrists are and the important healthcare services optometrists provide. These tabs contain this important information and are now fully translated.

The French translation can be accessed through the ‘Français’ button located along the top of the homepage, next to ‘Find an Optometrist’.

We are excited to offer our resources in French to enhance the accessibility of our website, and further carry out our mandate to protect the public interest.

If you have any questions or concerns about the translation, please contact the College.