The Optometric Practice Reference (OPR) replaced The Guide to the Practice of Optometry in 2007. Over the years, the sections of the document have been updated to articulate and clarify new and existing standards of practice. A comprehensive review of the OPR was initiated to ensure proposed changes:
- Reflect current public needs, health care systems, and societal values
- Be relevant to current optometry practice and advances in health care sciences and technologies
- Be consistent with current legislative requirements
- Be evidence-based and risk-informed (e.g., from sources such as College data, environmental scans, literature reviews, and stakeholder feedback)
- Ensure clear, concise, and consistent language understood by the profession and public
- Address gaps in content
- Increase accessibility
At its March 7, 2025 meeting, Council approved circulation of the modernized OPR to College registrants and stakeholders for 60 days.
The modernized OPR can be viewed here. The summary of changes and rationale can be viewed here.
A request for registrant and stakeholder feedback has been sent out, asking stakeholders to submit their feedback to no later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6, 2025.