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Policy Update: Practice Locations – Reporting Requirements

Council has approved updates to the Practice Locations – Reporting Requirements policy, which now requires that optometrists report any and all practice locations to the College, regardless of the number of days practised at the location.


Q.  How do I report a practice location to the College?

  1. Go to the Member Login on the College website.
  2. Select ‘Membership Record’ from the main menu.
  3. Select the ‘Practice Location’ tab.
  4. Select ‘Add New Location’ at the bottom of the page.
  5. Input the practice location details; click the save button once completed.
  6. Complete for each practice location being reported.

Q.  I just started practising at a new location. When must I report it to the College?

You must report any practice location to the College within 14 days of the change.

Q.  I practised at a location for one day only. Do I need to report this location to the College?

Yes. All practice locations must be reported to the College, no matter how many days you practised there. This includes filling in for one day.

When inputting the location details, specify the start and end date for that practice.

Q.  Which of my reported practice locations will be published on the public register?

The name and address of any active practice in which you are an owner, associate, employee, or independent contractor will be published on the public register.

An active practice is one for which no “End Date” has been provided.

Q.  I occasionally visit area retirement homes and schools to provide eye examinations. Must I report these practice locations to the College?

Yes.  The practice locations must be reported to the College; however, these locations will not be posted on the public register if an end date was specified.  These will simply be noted on the College’s internal database for reference.

Please choose the appropriate field under “What is your primary practice setting at this practice site?” depending on where you practised.  

Q.  I provide home visits to patients. How do I report this to the College?

You must notify the College that you provide home visits. However, specific home addresses are not to be reported to the College. 

Q.  I provide telehealth services as part of a virtual clinic.  Must I report my virtual clinic to the College? 

Yes.  All practice locations, bricks-and-mortar and virtual, must be reported to the College. You must include the appropriate website and email address associated with your virtual clinic.