Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Remediation & Coaching

Remediation and coaching are designed to assist members who have been identified as having deficiencies in their clinical ability.

What is a remedial program?

The QA Committee works with the optometrist to develop a remedial program tailored to address his or her deficiencies. The remedial program must outline learning objectives, success indicators and expected outcomes. The QA Committee must approve the timeframe and the remedial activities to be undertaken. The QA Committee may provide or recommend materials or resources for the remedial activities. Remedial program may be in the form of continuing education or coaching.

The Role of the College Coach

In cases where coaching is recommended, the member is provided with the names of two College Coaches from which to choose. All coaches are optometrists trained by the College. The member and their coach work together to develop a program using a remediation program template.

Once the program is completed, the member is given a reasonable opportunity to incorporate what she/he has learned into their practice. After that time, a practice re-assessment is conducted using the Complete Record Assessment tool.

On re-assessment, the Committee usually finds that no further action is warranted. If, however, there are still deficiencies identified in the re-assessment, the Committee may direct the member to undergo further coaching, a Practice Evaluation and/or direct the Registrar to impose terms, conditions or limitations on a member’s certificate of registration.

Who pays for the remedial program?

All costs associated with the remedial program are the responsibility of the member.