Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Submitting Documents Required for General Registration

It is a policy of the Registration Committee that an application for registration may remain open at the College for a maximum of 24 months as long as the Ontario Optometric Jurisprudence Exam is successfully completed within one year of applying for registration with the College.  No applicant may have more than one valid application for registration open with the College at any one time.

Please note that the only requirements to register for the jurisprudence exam are the application form and fee, notarized passport photograph, and notarized copy of I.D. The remainder of the requirements can follow at a later date/as they become available.

You are reminded that, although you have a maximum of 24 months to complete your application, additional timelines related to submitting your application documents to the College are as follows:

No.Registration DocumentSubmitting the Document
1Application Form and FeeComplete the online application form.  Answer all questions and be sure to complete the declaration and payment.
2Diploma(s)/Degree(s) and TranscriptsUpload notarized copies of your diploma(s)/degree(s) as soon as they are available or arrange for your educational institution to send the College an official transcript following graduation.
3Ontario Optometric Jurisprudence Exam ResultsOnly the College of Optometrists of Ontario administers the Ontario Optometric Jurisprudence Exam.  Following the Jurisprudence Exam sitting, the College will notify you of your results on a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ basis and put a copy with your application for registration.  You must successfully complete this exam within one year of applying for registration otherwise you will be required to submit a new application form and application fee.
4OEBC/CACO written exam and OSCE/NBEO Exam (parts I, II, and III all to be successfully challenged after January 18, 2019, and one part has been registered for by March 7, 2025)Following the exam sitting, exam results are sent directly to each applicant by the respective examining board.  It is your responsibility to arrange to have the official results submitted to the College.  If you successfully complete the exam before applying for registration in Ontario, you must submit a notarized copy of your results.
5CPIC Vulnerable Sector (VS) CheckAn official CPIC Vulnerable Sector (VS) check must be sent to the College and must be dated no more than six months before your Certificate of Registration is issued and activated.
6Certificate of Standing
(if required)
A Certificate of Standing must be sent to the College directly from the issuing body and must be dated no more than six months before your Certificate of Registration is issued. The Certificate of Standing(s) form must outline your current status in the Jurisdiction(s) for which you are licensed in. If you are unable to obtain the required documentation,  contact Registration discuss alternative documentation.
7If the applicant is a Canadian citizen, proof of Canadian residency in the form of a notarized copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or the applicant’s passport page containing the applicant’s identification information. If the applicant is not a Canadian citizen: permanent residency or authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to engage in the practice of optometrySubmit a notarized copy of your document.  In order for your Certificate of Registration to be issued and activated, this document must be valid.