Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Measuring How Well The College Performs

Colleges like ours exist to protect the public interest. The public needs to know how well we are doing our job. To this end, the Ministry of Health launched the College Performance Measurement Framework in 2020.

The framework requires colleges that regulate health professionals to report on areas that are critical for carrying out their legal mandates. The reports include information on:

  • How we govern ourselves and perform as an organization
  • How we manage our resources
  • How we register applicants
  • How we manage information
  • How we measure practice improvement among our registrants
  • How we process complaints about our registrants
  • How we work with others to improve public protection.

The framework also gathers and shares data, such as the number and type of complaints a college receives, and how many health professionals took part in practice improvement (quality assurance).

Finally, the framework requires each college to detail its plan for improvements over the next year. Colleges update their report annually, noting any progress on areas identified for improvement. These reports are one of the many ways colleges show their commitment to the public interest.