Please note that the terms “member” and “registrant” are used interchangeably throughout our website

Council Meeting Highlights, September 19, 2017

College Council met on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. Here are some highlights:

Welcome to Council

Dr. Hemami welcomed Mr. Hsien Ping (Albert) Liang to Council. Mr. Liang is a newly appointed public member.

Presentation by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Council heard a presentation from representatives of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Health System Labour Relations and Regulatory Policy Branch. Ms. Allison Henry, Director, and Mr. Stephen Cheng, Manager, offered an overview of their work, their organization, and current and upcoming initiatives, and discussed the future of the regulatory framework. After the presentation, Council and the presenters engaged in a productive Q&A session.

Changes to College By-Laws

Council approved amendments to sections 13.01 and 18.02 of the College by-laws. These changes are necessary to be consistent with the recently enacted Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (PPA) and subsequent amendments to the Health Professions Procedural Code. The amendments were not circulated for member comment as they were mandated by the PPA.

The revised by-laws will be available online in the coming weeks.

2018–2020 CE Policy Approved

The Continuing Education Policy for the upcoming three-year cycle was approved for publication. As in past cycles, members will be required to complete 70 hours of CE to avoid a Short Record Assessment and associated fee. The current CE cycle comes to an end on December 31, 2017. Visit this page to read the policies for the current and upcoming cycles.

Treasurer’s Report

A revised investment policy was approved by Council. The purpose of this policy is to make sure membership fees collected by the College for operations and long-term restricted fund purposes are not put at undue risk.

Council also reviewed a preliminary 2018 budget. For the fifth year in a row, an increase in member fees is not expected.

Telehealth Policy for Optometrists

At the June meeting, Council directed CPP to revisit discussions regarding telehealth, including how patients might seek optometric care in the future. The result of those discussions is the new Telehealth Policy for Optometrists. The document, which Council approved for publication, articulates the College’s position regarding telehealth and provides guidance to members. It is consistent with similar policies in other health professions and other jurisdictions. It complements the previously approved policy, Spectacle Therapy Using the Internet.

Read the policy here. (PDF)

OPR Updates

Two revised documents were approved for publication in the Optometric Practice Reference (OPR). The documents are: OPR 4.8 Standards of Practice – Collaboration and Shared Care and OPR 7.3 Standards of Practice – Patients with Cataract.

Revisions to the documents were minor. They will be available soon in an updated OPR.

Our next Council meeting will be held Monday, January 15, 2018 at the College office, 65 St. Clair Ave. E., Suite 900, Toronto. Council meetings are open to the public, and members are welcome to attend.