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Council Meeting Highlights, June 20, 2016

College Council met on Monday, June 20, 2016. Here are some highlights: Recirculation: Proposed Changes to the Optometry Act, Designated Drugs Regulation, and Controlled Acts Council approved circulation of further…more

Council Meeting Highlights, April 20, 2016

Treasurer’s Report: College Produces Operating Surplus for 2015 College auditors Radvany Jurina Cleary Associates LLP visited Council to present the 2015 audited financial statements. The College ended the year with…more

Council Meeting Highlights, January 20, 2016

Executive Committee Election  All three officers from last year will be returning to the 2016 Executive Committee: Dr. Thomas-A. Noël, President Dr. Pooya Hemami Vice-President Ms. Irene Moore, Treasurer They will…more