Council Highlights – September 15, 2023

Council met in a hybrid environment on Friday, September 15 where they received a presentation on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from Dr. Carys Massarella, M.D., and passed several motions from the Quality Assurance Committee and the Audit/Finance/Risk Committee. Please see details below:  

Quality Assurance Committee

Council approved two motions from the Quality Assurance Committee. These motions included the New Self-Assessment Component of the Quality Assurance (QA) Program, and the Continuing Education (CE) Policy (2024-2026).


Council approved several motions from the Audit/Finance/Risk Committee. Council approved three new finance policies including Accounts Payable, General Ledger, and Petty Cash. Council also approved the new Investment Policy Statement with amendments.

The next Council meeting will be held on Friday, December 8, 2023. Council meetings are open to the public via livestream. Please contact Jaslin Facey for more information.