Call for Research Proposals

Regulatory Research Award:

Understanding and Enhancing Health Profession Regulation

Application Deadline: August 31, 2024

The College of Optometrists of Ontario is pleased to announce the continuation of its Regulatory Research Award (RRA), which is now moving into its third year. The award for 2024 is focused on understanding and enhancing health profession regulation.

In line with this theme, the College is happy to consider work in the areas of:

  • Right-touch regulation
  • Regulatory modernization
  • Engagement with professionals and the public
  • Other areas related to understanding and enhancing health profession regulation…

The award is open to Canadian investigators with project budgets of up to $40,000 a year for up to 3 years.

All submissions are peer-reviewed by panels formed by the College’s Research Steering Group, which oversees all College research funding programs. Panelists adhere to principals of confidentiality, conflict of interest, fairness, and transparency, and utilize a Reviewer Guide to score each proposal.

Though the College recognizes the importance of clinical research, please note that projects that are strictly clinical are outside the scope of the award and will not be considered.

The application form is available for download here:

If you have any questions about the award, the appropriateness of your project, or the application process, you can email Chad Andrews, the College’s Director of Research and Policy.